
Prep Enrolment
Sacred Heart Primary School Newport
Prep enrolments are open from 1st February of the year prior to your child commencing school. You can submit an enquiry by clicking on the link below and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Scroll down to book a Prep 2026 'Talk and Tour' which we strongly encourage you to do if you are considering Sacred Heart Primary School for your child. We will be adding more dates soon so keep checking in on our website.

School Tours
School Tours for Prep enrolments for the coming year are held early in the school year and are advertised on the Sacred Heart School Facebook page, Instagram and on the school website.
For families moving into the area or looking to move schools, we also offer school tours with our Principal or Deputy Principal throughout the year. These include a walkthrough of the learning spaces and an elaboration of our Living Vision and teaching philosophy. Please contact the school for more information on 9391 6262 and speak to Fiona or Mary.
Our Prep 2026 Talk and Tour dates are:
Tuesday, 4th March 2025 at 9.15am
Thursday, 13th March 2025 at 4.15pm
Monday, 24th March 2025 at 9.15am
Wednesday, 2nd April 2025 at 9.15am
Monday, 5th May 2025 at 4.15pm
More dates will be added soon for Term 2.
Book a School Tour here or scan the QR code to the right

School Fees & Levies

Prep Transition
Each year, Sacred Heart provides a number of opportunities to introduce children and their families to our school:
Preschool Storytime in Term 3
Prep Transition Program - three sessions in late November, early December for children to get to know the Prep educators
Parent Information session held in the third Prep Transition session
You can find out more by contacting the school office or by following our social media.

Buddy Program
Buddy partnerships allow children to experience a connection with other children from different year levels. Buddy partnerships support students in experiencing a welcome from the very beginning, particularly during times of transition.
The benefits of a Buddy program are twofold; the older children learn to take on responsibility, while the younger children know that they have a fellow student they can confidently turn to for support.
The Buddy program helps to promote relationships and support between older and younger students through regular collaboration between their classes. This fosters a sense of whole-school community and creates friendships that enable both older and younger ‘Buddy’ to bond more closely with their school. This increases the likelihood of more positive school behaviour for all students.
Each year, our new Prep children are buddied with a child in Year 5. This allows the buddies to develop their relationship over a two year period as Year 1 & Year 6 students.
All new students to the school in Years 1-6 will be buddied with a classmate by the class teacher to support their transition.
Uniforms can be ordered through Primary School Wear (PSW) using their online ordering facility (www.psw.com.au) or by visiting their store in Port Melbourne.
The shop is located at :
1/128 Bertie Street, PORT MELBOURNE, 3207
Ph: 9768 0385
Price lists and order forms are also available at the school office. The school also has a good supply of second hand uniforms which can be purchased for a gold coin donation.
All students must be neatly dressed at all times.

Before & After School Care
Our ‘Out of School Hours Care’ Program is provided by Camp Australia.
The Program is conducted in our School Hall. The Before School Care Program commences at 7.00am and the After School Care Program concludes at 6.00pm.
Click here to find out more about the programs at our school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child. Register now

Your OSHC – OSHC that inspires
At Your OSHC by Camp Australia, every before school, after school and pupil free day program is tailored to the likes and interests of each child in service. Camp Australia’s educators design enriching experiences to inspire your children’s confidence, independence and imagination. In any one week, they could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more – they believe in learning through experience so that each child can grow.

Rocketeers – School Holiday Programs
Rocketeers by Camp Australia is a space for children to escape the ordinary and experience the extraordinary during their school holidays. Every school holiday break is a new mission for children to embark upon. With carefully designed programs, directed by the children and informed by family feedback, no two days are the same with Rocketeers.
Click here to find out more about Camp Australia’s program at our school, including hours of operation and fees. To attend care, you must register your child. Register now for free.