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Welcome From Our School Principal

Sacred Heart Primary School Newport

It is my privilege to warmly welcome you to Sacred Heart Primary School in Newport. My name is Kaylene Carlin and I am the Principal of this wonderful school. I believe that I am in a position of great responsibility and opportunity. I am deeply committed to leading the Sacred Heart community, continuing a journey of discovery and re-imagining. Our world today is vastly different to what it was fifty years ago and at Sacred Heart we recognise the need to ensure our school and classrooms reflect these changes. Contemporary, innovative schools have a responsibility to provide an educational context that enables students to learn about the world, themselves and each other in a safe and supportive learning environment. We encourage our students to challenge themselves in their learning, set goals, problem solve and think their way through challenging situations, both cognitively and emotionally.


At Sacred Heart, the child is at the centre of everything we do. We recognise the importance of developing the whole child, leading to a full flourishing across the physical, cognitive, emotional, social and religious domains within a safe and supportive environment.


We believe that parents are the first educators of their children and family engagement in learning is essential. At Sacred Heart, when we enrol the child, we enrol the whole family. The primary school years are a journey we take together. With a relationship built on trust and mutual respect, together we will take your child on an exciting journey of discovery and learning.


As a team of educators, we are committed to achieving the highest educational standards and learning outcomes possible, based on reflective practice using data, research and evidence to ensure progress and growth in learning for all students.

I encourage you to take up the opportunity to come and visit. You are always welcome.


Kaylene Carlin


Meet the Sacred Heart Team

School Leadership Team

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Kaylene Carlin

School Principal


Erin Stone

Deputy Principal 

People & Culture


Catherine Palmer

Deputy Principal

Catholic Identity & Pedagogy


Sue Burke

English Leader


Nicole Harbach

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader 



Kim Dalmau

Mathematics Leader

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Rosy Cubero

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader 



Michael Gowland

Intervention Educator & Family Engagement Leader


Lisa Hibbert

Learning Diversity & Ways of Being Together Leader 

Year 3-6



Mary Cassar

 Reception, Administration & Finance


Fiona Bosanko

Reception, Administration & Enrolments

Prep Educators


Caitlin La Rosa


Breanna Formosa

Year 1 Educators


Vivian Do


Kate Gannon


Nicole Harbach

Year 2 Educators


Holly Peters


Kate Williams

Year 3 Educators


Isabelle Maher


Ava Fawaz

Year 4 Educators


Jacob Mills


Katrina Scolaro


Rosaria La Motta

Year 5 Educators


Thérèse Kehoe

Dawn Rathborne


Year 6 Educators


Kristian Magill

Anthony Granata

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Specialist Educators


Rosaria LaMotta

LOTE (Italian)


Rita McEwan

The Arts


Nicholas Rouse

Physical Education


Breanna Wells

Social Emotional Learning

Learning Support Officers


Noelene Satalich


Virginia Oqueli


Penny Fenech


Kellie Tapping


Traci Flint



Penny Fenech

Family Partnership
& Engagement



Caitlin La Rosa

Nicholas Rouse


Our Child Safety Commitment

As Catholic educators, we have a moral, mission driven and legal responsibility to uphold and actively promote the wellbeing and safety of every student entrusted to our care.

​We commit to the protection of students in a nurturing, respectful and safe community where every young person is celebrated and they are able to flourish in their learning and development. This vision is driven by the gospel message of love, justice and abundance, beautifully reflected in the words of John.


“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10.10


​The safety, protection and wellbeing of children and young people in our care is a central, absolute and fundamental responsibility of our Catholic culture.


Sacred Heart Primary School is committed to ensuring that the inherent dignity of young people and their fundamental right to be respected and nurtured, within a safe school environment, is always fully promoted and actioned. Sacred Heart Primary School has a Zero Tolerance of child abuse.


Sacred Heart Primary School will always be abreast of current legislation and ensure that these legislative requirements are always met. 

This duty of care towards our young people includes Sacred Heart’s adherence towards the Victorian Child Safe Standards and Principles. These eleven standards aim to drive cultural change, so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice. 

Our School Logo

Our School Logo is a significant symbol and tells an important story about who we are and what is important to us.

The circle represents our being united and encircled:  a community of Faith, Love, Justice and Peace.

The cross and the heart are symbols of the great love of our God for us; and our love and respect for one another.

The shield from the original “badge” links us with the long history and tradition of Sacred Heart School, Newport.

The motto, Praise God, is translated from the original Latin motto Pariunt Laudem Dei and reminds us to praise and thank God for his continual love and care.

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Our School Prayer


We rejoice in the gifts of love

we have received from the Heart of Jesus Your Son.

Open our hearts to share His life

and continue to bless us with His love.

We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ your Son.



Our Vision

Sacred Heart Primary School Newport

In the spirit of St Mary of the Cross and our Catholic faith,

we promote in our students a profound sense of hope and joy in life, and challenge them to strive for excellence in their learning

“May the spirit of the Sacred Heart animate you.”

Mary MacKillop (1906)

Living Vision

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Our Living Vision represents what our Vision looks like, sounds like and feels like each and every day at Sacred Heart. The educators and children reflect constantly on the true spirit of Sacred Heart as a Catholic faith community and how we are enacting this with one another each day. We label specific examples of each one to ensure that our Vision is truly alive and reflective of living our lives in the example of Jesus Christ.


Our Image of the Child

At Sacred Heart, we believe that the child is at the centre of all we do. We recognise that each child is unique and thrives when provided with meaningful experiences through which to flourish. Children are curious and active in their learning when given opportunities to ask questions, discover, investigate and reflect. We believe in educating the whole child to become confident and creative, with a passion for lifelong learning and optimism for their future.

Our History

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The name of our school, Sacred Heart Primary School, means that Jesus Christ is central to our identity as a Catholic school.  In August 1901, Mary MacKillop was instrumental in the opening of Sacred Heart.  A wooden building from Williamstown was erected next to the church in Newcastle Street.

The Sisters of St. Joseph taught at and provided educational leadership at Sacred Heart School until 2000.  Ms Joan Jansen was appointed the first lay Principal in 2001, a position she held until 2012. Religious staff have made way for lay teachers, yet the early traditions and values still form an integral part of the Sacred Heart School philosophy.

Our current Principal, Mrs Kaylene Carlin, continues the work initiated by the Sisters of St. Joseph.


For all policies pertaining to Catholic schools under the governance of MACS, please click on the following link.


For all policies pertaining to Sacred Heart Primary School, please click on the following link.

Sacred Heart Primary School is a school which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS). 

MACS governs and operates 292 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to continue the mission of Catholic education to proclaim the Good News and equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and hope to live meaningful lives and enrich the world around them.


Because the good work of educating the young is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community, School Advisory Councils have been established to provide a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders.


This governance model was designed to ease the administrative burden on our schools and parishes, allow parish priests to focus on the mission of education in the parish, enable greater collaboration between schools and ensure greater consistency in school policies and procedures. More information on MACS is available at

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Sacred Heart Primary School Newport

Address: 20 Newcastle St, Newport, VIC 3015

Phone: 03 9391 6262


Acknowledgement of Country

An Acknowledgement of Country is spoken at the beginning of each day as part of our students ‘Morning Gatherings’ and routines as a class. It is also spoken at the beginning of the week when the staff gather, at whole school assemblies and other times when we gather together.

We take a moment to appreciate the 80,000 year history of this country. We take a moment to honour the fact that Aboriginal People cared for and protected this land we now call home since the dreaming. Their connections to the earth, animals, seas and waterways is a part of their being. To the Yalukit-Willam people of the Boon-wurrung Country who are the traditional owners of the land known as Newport, thank you for having us here today. We also extend our respects to all elders across all Aboriginal nations and language groups.

© 2024 Sacred Heart Primary School Newport

Site design & photography by School Presence

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